
In accordance with our 6th Tradition ; The use of the Google Calendar services as well as the WordPress Blog services within the Capital Area Service of Narcotics Anonymous website, or casna.info, or Narcotics Anonymous as a whole is not intended to imply any affiliation with Google or WordPress in any way, shape or form, public or private, explicitly or implicitly.
The use of the Google Calendar and WordPress Blog platform is only intended to assist members and the community in which we live-in with interacting with each other and furthering our primary purpose, that being to carry the message to the addict who still suffers.
We retain the right to choose to use or not use these services and are under no contract to do so, expressed or implied, publicly or privately. Misuses of these services by members or non-members does not nullify this disclaimer in any way, shape, or form and is solely the responsibility of the user itself.